Its true we'll make a better day, with you and me! - Reisverslag uit Accra, Ghana van Ronja Kuijs - Its true we'll make a better day, with you and me! - Reisverslag uit Accra, Ghana van Ronja Kuijs -

Its true we'll make a better day, with you and me!

Door: Ronja Kuijs

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Ronja

19 Maart 2014 | Ghana, Accra

Awkaawba wonderful people.

The countdown to when I go home has begun, and I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. I am definitely not ready to go yet, as I still feel like I can do a lot more for my beautiful kids at the orphanage. But more about that later!

2 weeks ago, Ellie, Kevin and I decided to go to the eastern side to visit a waterfall. We stayed at a place called Roots, which was run by a Rasta guy named Bob and his English wife. They also had 2 really cute kids. The accommodation was so nice, it also gets cooler during the nights on the eastern side, and it is not as humid as here in Accra so I finally had some good sleeping nights. They also had a vegan/vegetarian restaurant, and it is safe to say that I was in food heaven.  Ghana is quite a big country, so to get to Roots we were on a tro tro for 3 hours, which only costs us 4 euros. The morning after our first night in Roots we decided to go to the Wli waterfall. It was again a long tro tro ride, but the eastern Volta river side is so beautiful, so the ride was worth it! It was a 2 hour hike to go up to the upper waterfall, but you could also decide to just see the lower waterfall, which was as beautiful! We were hiking for about 20 minutes, until Ellie didn’t feel good anymore so she and the guide went down again, while Kevin and I kept walking. The view was amazing and I have to say it was quite a good workout. I have never sweated that much in my life! Then we went back down, but I have to say it was quite scary, because it’s not really a good path and it’s very steep, so I was happy when we got down safely. The next morning we decided to go to a place called the Monkey Sanctuary, it’s a little town on the way to the waterfalls where they take care of monkeys that are in the wild. It was hard to find a tro tro on the way there, so we had to wait a whole hour. Kevin and Ellie were not happy about it, but I just laid there tanning, saying no worries, the tro tro will come. (The Ghanaian relaxing livestyle has rubbed off on me, I have never been this relaxed in my life). When we finally got at the town, we still had to go 5 km to the Monkey Sanctuary, and they only had motorcycle taxi’s, which I really like! It was lots of fun, and they were driving like maniacs, but luckily there was no traffic, and sorry for the people that are worried, I was not wearing a helmet.. When we arrived there, we bought some bananas and our guide took us to the monkeys. It was a very beautiful place and the monkeys were adorable, they jumped on your arm and just started eating the banana’s. They really have facial expressions as well, and little hands and fingers, it was so cool! Then we had to take the motorcycles back, but this time there were only two, so Kevin had to go on the back of 1 motorcycle which already had 2 guys on there, and Ellie and me sat with another guy. So 3 on a motorcycle, with again no helmet, but it was fun!

I have also visited the hospital here, I had diarrhoea for 4 weeks straight, and in the beginning I didn’t mind cause I was losing weight, but then it started hurting really bad so I decided to go to the hospital. It’s definitely a lot different from our hospitals and doctors at home, but it works, so I’m happy :) Then last week I went again, because I had been feeling quite tired and sick for a while, which is not that weird since I am doing a lot and only sleep 2/3 hours a night.

A couple weeks ago Kevin and I slept over at the orphanage. That night I noticed that the kids went to bed at whatever time, which usually was around 11 or 12 pm (even the little ones) and it resulted in most of the kids being really tired and crying the whole time. Then I found out that the younger kids, about 12 of them sleep on 4 thin mats in the living room, while some of the adults are watching tv very loud. The rest sleep on tiny mats in the girls or boys room. Not ok for me! I couldn’t sleep all night as I was thinking of how to make this situation better. They wake up every morning at 5.30 am to clean the house and pray etc. So that is around 5/6 hours of sleep which is really not enough. After that night I had a talk with Grandma, (the woman who runs the orphanage) and I told her that the kids need to be in bed by 8 every night because they need enough sleep, and that I would come over every night to put them to bed, so she can have her own time in the evening. So that’s what I have been doing for a while now. They had to get used to it, but now they really love it! As do I. I come there at 7 pm, play a little, brush their teeth, get the matrasses ready, cuddle with the youngest ones and sing a song and cradle their hair so they fall asleep first. Then read a story to the others ones, then go to the boys room, sing to them, read them a story and we usually chat for a while as well and just hold their hands. Then in to the girl’s room, same routine. Then I give them all a good night kiss, and they never get that so they were confused in the beginning, but now when I forget they are like Auntie Droenja where is my kiss? It is so cosy and nice, and I’m glad to see how happy it makes them and Grandma as well.

That had also resulted in why I decided to raise money for the kids. Their house is just not a real home, the orphanage also has a school, and 2 classes are in the living room, and then everything is just really messy and the fact that the little kids sleep in the living room, I just can’t handle it. Also the other week I had to take one of the girls to the hospital, she had been sick for a few days, so when I got there and she still had a fever I decided to take her to the hospital straight away. Turns out she had malaria and typhoid which is very dangerous. But Grandma doesn’t have the money to take them to the hospital so I am buying them insurance so then it will be free when they go to the hospital.

( I wrote this story a while ago, and since then the money has been raised and I have been able to do some stuff, but I will tell more about that in my last blog) :)

Oh also, I have been baking for the kids, one night I brought them coconut/chocolate balls and some pineapple. They loved it! And the night where Kevin and I stayed over we had made cupcakes. Mavis, the woman who cooks and cleans in our house helped us, because it is not as easy baking here as it is back home haha. The kids absolutely loved it, and the icing and sprinkles as well. They went a little crazy haha, and now they keep asking me to make them more cupcakes, they cant pronounce cupcakes so when they say it, it sounds very funny!

We also had a little party over there, as it was Independence day the 6th of March and we ( the volunteers ) were going to go to the independence square to celebrate. But then Ellie and me found out that the kids couldn’t go, so we decided to bring the party to them, together with Adam, Kevin and his boyfriend and friend who came here to visit for 10 days. (I was very jealous as I wished someone could’ve visited me haha) We bought them chips, cookies, candy, juice, water and made a fruit salad. The kids loved it, as most of them had never had chips, cookies or candy before. It had also been raining that day, and it was only 26 degrees. I know it sounds weird but I was freezing the whole day, even with my long pants and shirt on. I have gotten so used to the heat now, that once it is under 30 degrees I am cold. It’s gonna be interesting when I go home then..

I love the kids more and more each day, and the Coordinator from this organisation is kind of stepping down, so 2 other volunteers took over some parts and all together we have been doing our best to make some changes. I was put in charge of the orphanage, which is not really in charge, but since Grandma really trusts and I am there most of the time I organize the things there. We now have weekly meetings about how we can help more, and what they need, and what we need from them, and it has been going really good! I really feel like I am making it better for them, and even though I don’t want to leave them, I know I am leaving them with a better home. They are also very appreciative, and Grandma even hugs me now and tells me God bless you 24/7 and that she will cry when I leave and so many more nice things. <3

I will tell you more about the things we have been doing for the orphanage, and hopefully post pictures what I was able to do with the money you all so kindly donated. Thank you thank you thank you!!! It will be in my next and last blog!

Sorry for the longs blog, I really should write more often, but it is quite busy. Thank you for all the comments on here btw, it always makes me happy reading them, and it is nice to know who is reading my blog.

Lots of love,

Ronja (Afua)

  • 19 Maart 2014 - 13:02


    jeetje ron, wat leuk om te lezen weer!
    echt heeel goed wat je allemaal doet, en chill dat je zoveel geld hebt kunnnen inzamelen voor die lieve kindjes!! de tijd gaat echt mega snel he. ik vind het leuk als je weer thuis bent, maar ik snap heeel goed dat jij liever nog een maandje ofzo in ghana wilt blijven haha.
    xxxxx tot snel!

  • 19 Maart 2014 - 13:19


    Heee ron! Wat is je engels goed en wat een leuk verhaal weer. Goed hoor wat je allemaal doet daar en ben heel benieuwd naar wat je allemaal met het geld hebt gedaan. Veel plezier en tot snel weer! X

  • 19 Maart 2014 - 14:09


    Hej min underbara Ronja<3
    Beundrandsvärt vad du gör och hinner med!!!
    Härligt att läsa om det!!
    Riktigt känner din glädje och energie du lägger ner på barnhemmet, barnen och alla andra du hjälper.
    Du verkar ha hittat din grej/passion som ger din energie och glädje.

    Bara några dagar kvar innan vi kan hämta dig på Schiphol. Längtar efter dig och att få höra mer om allt du varit med om.

    XXX JÄD mamma

  • 20 Maart 2014 - 20:05


    Hallo meissie,

    Wat ben je toch goed bezig daar. Een heel ander ritueel opzetten voor het slapen gaan en het werkt goed. Het zijn kleine veranderingen met een grote impact. Het doet de kinderen goed en jou ook zo te lezen. Ik ben heel benieuwd naar de foto's. Geniet nog van je laatste dagen daar efdvoor straks een goed reis terug. Tot in Castricum!!! Xx petra

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“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

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